Hey 👋🏻
I'm Shimmy, A Youtuber, Clothing Brand Owner and Community Owner.
The Print on Demand Hub is an exciting community that helps people worldwide build their clothing brands using Print on Demand.
It's a passion project for me, and I absolutely love seeing others succeed in this business.
To learn more about The Hub, go to theprintondemandhub.com
Alternatively, you can go directly to the community page to check it out here: https://www.skool.com/theprintondemandhub
With over 360 members, this is a thriving community with 6 coaches specialising in building a profitable clothing brand.

Getting Started With Print on Demand
I have a YouTube channel dedicated to helping people build clothing brands utilising Print on Demand.
I recently introduced an 8-hour training course and put the whole thing on YouTube!